I’m pleased to announce that, accompanying the Sound Through Barriers exhibition of sound art, we have invited two acclaimed sound artists / musicians to give two performances in Fort Collins.

Jeph Jerman has a history in improvised experimental music stretching back over thirty-five years, having worked in such notable bands as Big Joey, Blowhole and his solo project Hands To. His practice is primarily about “what happens when we listen”, and his work towards this end frequently involves improvisations with found objects and installations of self-playing “systems” which could perhaps be described as sound sculpture or automatons. In his performances, he attempts to remove or lessen his control over his own actions, focussing attention on listening. (photo by R. Yau, used by permission)

Cheryl Leonard is a composer, performer and instrument builder whose works investigate sounds, structures, and objects from the natural world. Leonard is fascinated by “subtle textures and intricacies in sounds not generally considered musical,” and her experimental music reveals and features these unique voices. Her instruments recall the work of Harry Partch in the visual beauty of their form, reminding us that an instrument is a hybrid of sculpture and tool. (Photo by Douglas Quin, used by permission)

There will be two performances by both artists, each followed by a question and answer session.

Monday, April 23, 2012
Front Range Community College, Room RP140
7:30-9:30 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Fort Collins Museum of Art, lower level
7-9 PM

The visiting artists page at Sound Through Barriers’ website will soon be updated with more information on the venue locations.

Need help planning your trip to Fort Collins for the exhibition / performance (as well as other sound events happening in the area at the same time such as Communikey and Denver Noise Fest)? Please check out the page set up at the Sound Through Barriers website to help you with this. The “plan your trip” page contains directions to the exhibition space as well as pointers for finding lodging in the nearby area.

Link: http://soundthroughbarriers.com/planyourtrip.html